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Obtaining Continuing Education Credits for Chapter Meetings

Guidelines For I2SL Chapters

I2SL is an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Continuing Education System provider. I2SL offers its chapters the opportunity to provide AIA Learning Units for educational sessions the Chapter hosts that are one hour or more in length. I2SL will submit the educational session information for AIA Learning Units and will report credits earned by session attendees who are AIA members. In addition, session attendees who are seeking credits for their Green Building Certification Institute or Professional Engineer memberships can request a certificate as proof of attendance, which they can use to self-report credits to these respective organizations.

To receive AIA credit for a chapter educational session, please follow these instructions:

  • Submit a completed AIA Credit Request form to I2SL at least four weeks in advance of the session. This allows time for I2SL to process the credit request, for AIA to approve the request, and for the chapter to promote that credits are being offered. 

  • I2SL will notify the chapter once the AIA credit is approved, which can take up to 10 business days after I2SL submits the request.

  • Download the I2SL Chapter Attendance Form and ask attendees to fill it out during the training. You may want to make multiple copies to make sure you have enough room for all attendees to complete the form. Note that the form asks AIA members to include their AIA number or email address on the form so they can receive AIA credit for their attendance.

  • After the session, email the completed attendee form to I2SL. I2SL will process credits for all AIA members. 

  • For non-AIA member attendees, you can provide certificates of completion so they can  self-report for continuing education credits. You can either make certificates for all attendees or ask attendees if they would like to receive a certificate so they can self-report. Feel free to adjust the attendance form to include a field that asks attendees if they would like a certificate of completion so they can self-report their credits. I2SL Chapters can use the certificate template to create proof of attendance for these attendees.

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