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I2SL Scope is a quarterly electronic publication providing news and information about the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories, its chapters, and events and sustainability trends in lab design, engineering, operations, benchmarking, and decarbonization. To submit information for inclusion, email

Issue 1, Summer 2024

I2SL Annual Conference and Technology Fair: St. Louis Sneak Peak

I2SL’s Annual Conference and Technology Fair is meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, September 29 through October 2 at the Marriott St. Louis Grand Hotel. I2SL’s Annual Conference is the world's leading international conference focused on energy efficiency, decarbonization, and sustainability in laboratories and other high-tech facilities. Early bird discounts to register are available through Friday, August 9.


Featuring over 100 technical presentations, over 40 Technology Fair vendors, several networking opportunities, three workshops, and a Washington University School of Medicine Neuroscience Building tour, the conference is packed with opportunities for learning and engaging with sustainable lab professionals.


The highlight of the conference, our 36 concurrent technical sessions are organized into four tracks: systems optimization, green labs, sustainable design, and decarbonization. The full agenda and speaker bios can be found on the I2SL website.


For those getting started in sustainable lab design, green labs, or lab ventilation, on Sunday, September 29, I2SL will hold three pre-conference workshops led by leading experts in those topics. On Tuesday, October 2, attendees can choose to attend a tour of the Jeffrey T. Fort Neuroscience Research Building at Washington University School of Medicine that offers attendees a first-hand look at cutting-edge design, smart lab systems, green labs leadership, and a freezer farm designed for efficiency. Register now for the workshops or tour to guarantee a spot!


The I2SL Annual Conference Technology and Services Fair features a variety of vendors that address lab sustainability challenges, decarbonization, and energy efficiency technologies, systems, and services. Come meet our vendors and network with peers at a free Opening Reception on Monday evening, September 30!


The hotel and conference location is the Marriott St. Louis Grand, where a discounted room rate of $199 is available for all attendees. Space is limited, so reserve your room now for the best rate. Any questions about the conference can be directed to We look forward to meeting you all in St. Louis this fall!

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