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I2SL Scope is a quarterly electronic publication providing news and information about the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories, its chapters, and events and sustainability trends in lab design, engineering, operations, benchmarking, and decarbonization. To submit information for inclusion, email

Issue 1, Summer 2024

Labs2Zero Launches Tools to Evaluate Operational and Embodied Emissions

Since I2SL launched the Labs2Zero program in late 2022, the program has been growing steadily with the release of various tools to help lab owners, managers, designers, and engineers understand their energy and emissions performance and take steps to increase efficiency, reduce emissions, and decarbonize lab buildings and operations.


In May 2024, I2SL introduced three new tools: the Energy Score Target Setter, an Operational Emissions Score, and Embodied Carbon Benchmarking. These tools are currently in pilot phases and are free to use for anyone entering data into I2SL’s Laboratory Benchmarking Tool (LBT).


The Labs2Zero Energy Score was launched as a pilot in October 2023. Based on data input in the LBT, each lab building’s energy performance is rated from 1 to 100, where 100 represents the highest performance. The new Target Setter feature allows users to select a target Energy Score value and determine what their corresponding energy use intensity (EUI) levels would need to be to achieve it. By simply entering data into several fields along with a target score, users will receive a target EUI by fuel type. Users can even adjust the expected fuel mix of a planned lab building to reflect decarbonization strategies or other factors.


The Labs2Zero Operational Emissions Score allows lab owners, operators, designers, and engineers to compare the GHG emissions from an individual lab building with other labs in their peer group. It is a location-based score, calculated using emissions factors for the building’s electric grid and all other energy utilities used at the facility, including onsite renewable energy. In future editions of the score, I2SL plans to include market-based scoring factors such as the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs).


Based on lifecycle assessment (LCA) data submitted by volunteers, the LBT has been expanded to include a database of LCA data related to the embodied carbon of materials used in lab building construction. LBT users can now benchmark lab buildings (either existing or in design) against selected peer group buildings. Currently, this data covers “cradle-to-grave” lifecycle stages known as A1-A3 for materials used in lab structure and enclosure/shell building components. Once sufficient LCA data has been received to perform statistical analyses, I2SL plans to develop an Embodied Carbon Score as part of its Labs2Zero tools.


Next up for Labs2Zero is creating an Actionable Insights and Measures (AIM) Report, an automated audit report suggesting energy efficiency measures based on energy and building data submitted to the LBT. I2SL is currently developing the baseline AIM Report model, determining which measures to include, and gathering cost data and case studies.


In addition to getting information and ideas for improvement, submitting data to the LBT helps I2SL improve the accuracy of our scores and further develop the tools. This Quick-Start guide can help you understand the minimum data needed for benchmarking. You can also submit case studies or join one of the Labs2Zero Technical Advisory Councils by emailing Feedback on the new tools or the LBT can be submitted to

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