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San Diego

San Diego has a long history with the life sciences industry and laboratory design; is home to the architectural lab icon, The Salk Institute; and is currently the third largest life science cluster in the United States. San Diego set the bar with laboratory building design in the 1960’s and has maintained it for over 50 years. With a perfect climate supporting active lifestyles, San Diego is a home to world-class academic research and development institutes which serve as the headwaters to a thriving industry of biotech, pharmaceutical, medical device, research tools, and industrial biotechnology companies.

I2SL San Diego Chapter

The goals of the I2SL San Diego Chapter:

  • Inform laboratory designers, builders and especially users of the importance of sustainable laboratory design and operation.

  • Educate industry professionals, as well as our extended community of the best ways in which to employ sustainable designs and operations.

  • Inspire our community to challenge convention and create new environments that are as creative as the science that occurs within them.

Upcoming Events

July 18, 2024

I2SL San Diego

Happy Hour - Summer Social

September 12, 2024

I2SL San Diego

Conference and Expo

1100 Market St, San Diego, CA 92101

September 20, 2024

I2SL San Diego

Annual Golf Tournament

12602 Oaks N Dr, San Diego, CA 92128

Chapter Officers

Programs & Events Chair 

Jordan Poniachik, Enginova

Communications Chair 

Dahmon Quick, Climatec, LLC

Sponsorship Chair 


Get in Touch

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